Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The President Gets a Mango In The Face

Just when everyone thought the situation in Venezuela couldn't get any more desperate, here comes Marleni Olivo.

She is a Venezuelan citizen who is now very well known in Venezuela, and perhaps by others who have viewed the hilarious video clip of her tossing a mango at president Nicolas Maduro. It is as funny and ridiculous as it sounds. 

For those of you who haven't come across this video yet, I am including it below for your convenience.

President Maduro was in town and many people were throwing letters detailing their particular needs. Marleni did not have paper at hand so she decided to do the next best thing; write her message on a ripe mango and throw it right at the president's caravan hitting him in the face. To add humor to the whole thing, "maduro" actually means "ripe" in Spanish.  

But, the burning question still remains... why a mango? Well, Venezuela has an overabundance of mangoes. People do not buy mangoes, instead, most people either get one from their backyard or get one from the neighbor's backyard. 

Surprisingly, Marleni was not detained or removed from the crowd. Instead, the president held on to the mango and called her later on in the afternoon to find out that what she needed was an apartment. He also mentioned her in his evening live broadcast and announced that she indeed would get an apartment within a few hours. 

Marleni is a woman who was bold enough to take a chance and think outside the box and in this instance it paid off big time. She made good use of the only produce that is not in shortage and she got what most can only desire. Way to go Marleni! 

Warning: I do not suggest you try this at home.


  1. This is hilarious! I remember when someone threw a shoe at Pres. Bush and was jailed for assault. I guess there was no message on the shoe...
    Re the mango, It seems like the president handled it well.

  2. Janet, I do remember the shoe incident! I think perhaps the difference is that this woman did not intend to cause harm to the president, instead it seems that she just wanted to get his attention and it worked.
